Democracy and Governance

The credibility of any democratic system is derived from the participation and representation of all citizens in related processes and institutions. Assuring that all voices are heard and that minorities are protected requires the inclusion of representative voices from all communities in the deliberative processes. Therefore, we work to ensure that all social groups have a platform to engage and exchange their perspectives and that electoral debates capture these nuances often overshadowed by the majority.

Democratic governance relies on deliberation to ensure that the common good prevails over the use of political power and populist rhetoric. The public policy making process offers multiple avenues to address emerging challenges and engage citizens on issues that impact their lives. We use the lens of hindsight, foresight and insight to deliberate on the aspirations and concerns of the new generation through public policy processes. As a political, economic, and planning tool, the budget reflects a government’s policy priorities. By promoting citizen participation in budgetary processes, we foster deliberative democracy, enhance accountability, and create a more transparent and responsive government that truly serves the needs and desires of its people.

Expression and Information Democracy

Rapid technological advances are both testing democratic principles and creating opportunities for citizens and the government to interact, communicate and evolve. Making technology work for rather than against democracy will depend on civil society deepening its understanding of promising tech tools, guarding against digital authoritarian threats, and actively shaping the development of next-generation digital norms. Our goal is to build robust and democratic information ecosystems and create a digital environment that is safe for democracy to thrive.

Protecting civil liberties of human rights defenders

Human rights defenders and civil society organizations face multiple challenges as they work hard to make the voices of marginalized people heard. These include harassment, defamation, and threats – both physical and psychological or even imprisonment. These organizations must also navigate a labyrinth of administrative strictures, further complicating their work. To promote and protect human rights and defend democratic spaces, a safe and secure working environment is a prerequisite for human rights defenders to operate effectively. To achieve this, we intend to collaborate with civil society organizations, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), and relevant actors at the local, provincial, and federal government levels to promote a “holistic security” approach for human rights defenders.

Social and Economic Justice

Inequitable access to land and housing intensifies socioeconomic inequalities. Diminishing fairness, transparency, and accountability of public institutions have further aggravated the inequality, discrimination and unmet justice needs. Additionally, the pandemic has exacerbated social inequalities, especially threatening women’s economic justice and empowerment and informal workers. Promoting socioeconomic justice for women, the poor, the landless, and marginalized individuals is crucial at the national, regional, and global levels. Our goal is to protect their right to land and housing, strengthen public and justice institutions, and raise voices against discriminatory practices, policies, and economic structures that perpetuate marginalization.


The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in widespread lockdowns and social distancing measures, leading to the loss of thousands of jobs in Nepal and worldwide, particularly in the informal sector. As a result, many informal workers were pushed below the poverty line, causing significant setbacks to socioeconomic progress. Although local governments and civil society organizations provided immediate assistance to affected workers, the needs of the informal sector have been largely ignored. To address this issue, we propose to hold local, provincial, and federal governments more accountable for providing support and designing programs to enhance job security and promote worker support in the informal sector. This will be crucial in fostering inclusive and sustained economic growth and productivity.

Sustainable and Inclusive Development

The world, including Nepal, faces several challenges in fostering sustainable and inclusive development, particularly in the areas of sustainable cities, climate action, and shared value creation. These issues are aggravated by inadequate infrastructure, limited financial resources, insufficient awareness and education, inadequate policy frameworks, and limited access to technology and innovation. Despite the challenges, the government in Nepal is evaluating ways to promote sustainable urbanization and improve climate adaptation and holistic development of society. Purak Asia believes collaboration and co-creation can help us develop innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of Nepal to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and inclusive future. 

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