Next Generation|

In this modern and rapidly growing world, we, the human civilization are at our best comfort! Everything is so easy! Just a click away!

Isn’t this the perfect world? Isn’t this the generation that our forefathers could only wish for?

Just like life that isn’t perfect, there is something that isn’t so right about this generation. Reports say we are just the saddest generation! Comparatively, our parents had to struggle more than we in general. They had less exposure to technology, comforts, and opportunities. However, the trauma now is WITHIN. Who could have thought that even after reaching the highest level of evolution and development we would be the saddest generation?

What is making today’s youth anxious?

  1. Appearance

For Generation Z, their appearance matter more than their financial situation, their professional prospects, or terrorism. Appearance is the top-rated anxiety of today’s generation and nearly twice the number of girls than boys change their eating habits due to appearance concerns.

  • Financial stability concerns

The emotional and psychological impact of money touches every aspect of life. Financial struggles affect our self-perception and interpersonal relationships. Soaring costs and an unstable economy concern everyone but the brunt is felt more by Gen Z having an impact on their lifestyles and future prospects.

  • Craving social media validation and recognition

Social media and the use of technology are major contributors to Gen Z’s depression. While technology has many advantages, it can also be a source of anxiety and stress. Excessive social media use has been linked to feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, and depression.

Today’s youth take an average of nine photos on a night out, post five of them, and spend an average of an hour and 11 minutes ‘crafting’ them before posting. This level of curation shows that social media is painting an unrealistic picture of perfection, which Gen Z-ers are constantly comparing themselves to.


“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes!”

We constantly think and strive to be independent with the word “independent” often connoting financial independence. However, there is a loophole!

We often overlook ‘EMOTIONAL INDEPENDENCE’ in our lives. By emotional independence, I mean the emotional balance where our happiness or sadness is no longer dependent on external factors. Currently, a small appreciation from someone makes our hearts flutter with joy, and even the smallest criticism makes us unhappy. We have granted the power to others to control our emotions making it easy for someone to make us happy, angry, or anxious. With this, we are handing over our power in the game of emotional self-control.

Am I suggesting that you suppress your emotions? Absolutely not. Emotions are transitory and it is natural to feel both happiness and sadness. However, it is important to have emotional intelligence for us to be aware of our emotions and not let them control us. For this, take a step back, pause, and engage in self-reflection and recharge. Consider activities like taking a break, journaling, immersing yourself in nature, or practicing meditation.

When there’s a flood in the river, you stay back and drink water only after it calms down. The flooded river is not clear, and neither is your disturbed mind!

Alisha Rai

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